Sharing is hard for two-year olds. Sometimes it goes very well and sometimes it doesn't. Here are some pics of our toddlers playing together the other night.
They have a hard time pedaling the tricycle. O was pulling it along while C pedaled. They both had fun doing this for a long while... until O wanted a turn on the tricycle.
I wrangled C off the tricycle, explaining it was now O's turn. C cried and cried. O cried because he thought C wasn't getting off fast enough. After a couple minutes of chaos, things finally settled down. O realized he was getting a turn on the tricycle and C thought it was fun to sit on the back and push the tricycle along.
This was fun for O for, like, two minutes.
Then O didn't think it was fun anymore and wanted C off.
Neither of them recovered after this meltdown. O still wanted his turn. C wanted to sit on the back. I couldn't reach a compromise with either of them, so we put the tricycle up.
The toddlers then took advantage of the fact that their older brother was occupied playing basketball with Daddy to sit in the John Deere tractor. They just sat in the tractor watching Daddy and D play basketball. It was very cute. (C is wearing his older brother D's helmet. We think it makes him feel cool.)
I posted a blog awhile ago about buying things for twins, "0-2 years old: twin must-haves," that included what you need to buy two of. The tricycle was a hand-me down from their older brother. After dealing with many toddler meltdowns over the one tricycle, my hubby and I are going to use our Toys'R'Us coupon this weekend and buy another tricycle. Five bucks says they still fight over who gets to ride which tricycle. :)
To quote our preschooler, "Sharing is no fun."
How do your kids feel about sharing?
They have a hard time pedaling the tricycle. O was pulling it along while C pedaled. They both had fun doing this for a long while... until O wanted a turn on the tricycle.
I wrangled C off the tricycle, explaining it was now O's turn. C cried and cried. O cried because he thought C wasn't getting off fast enough. After a couple minutes of chaos, things finally settled down. O realized he was getting a turn on the tricycle and C thought it was fun to sit on the back and push the tricycle along.
This was fun for O for, like, two minutes.
Then O didn't think it was fun anymore and wanted C off.
Neither of them recovered after this meltdown. O still wanted his turn. C wanted to sit on the back. I couldn't reach a compromise with either of them, so we put the tricycle up.
The toddlers then took advantage of the fact that their older brother was occupied playing basketball with Daddy to sit in the John Deere tractor. They just sat in the tractor watching Daddy and D play basketball. It was very cute. (C is wearing his older brother D's helmet. We think it makes him feel cool.)
I posted a blog awhile ago about buying things for twins, "0-2 years old: twin must-haves," that included what you need to buy two of. The tricycle was a hand-me down from their older brother. After dealing with many toddler meltdowns over the one tricycle, my hubby and I are going to use our Toys'R'Us coupon this weekend and buy another tricycle. Five bucks says they still fight over who gets to ride which tricycle. :)
To quote our preschooler, "Sharing is no fun."
How do your kids feel about sharing?