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Let it be

"When I find myself in times of trouble,
Mother Mary comes to me.
Whispers words of wisdom,
'Let it be.'
Let it be; let it be; let it be; let it be.
There will be an answer.
Let it be."
-The Beatles

After such a stressful month, it was time to give ourselves a break, get out of our routines, and have fun together. My parents graciously let us use their time share again (we used it last year as well). Even better, they came with us. I don't know if you ever outgrow wanting your momma when you're broken hearted. It was so good seeing them and our family had a great time at the indoor waterpark, especially our oldest. Whenever we had down time in our room-- like when the toddlers were napping-- my hubby would take D down to the arcade where they had a ropes course and a blacklight miniature golf course as well. I don't think D wanted to leave! It was good for us to just forget about everything else for awhile and have fun.

I forgot to take pictures of the timeshare, which was wonderful. It was bigger than our old 3-bedroom apartment. My parents had the master suite, which had a jacuzzi tub and a large walk-in shower. There was a second bathroom by the second and third bedrooms, but the kids loved bathing in my parents' big bathtub! We slept in the large second bedroom on a king bed. I'm not sure how many times my husband and I said we are excited to buy a king bed while we were there (we currently have a queen). The boys all shared the third bedroom. We brought the toddlers' pack'n'plays and wedged them in the empty spaces of the room. D slept in a double bed. Some mornings they were up earlier than usual, but, for the most part, they slept together great. (This gave us hope because we are hoping to get all three of them in one room when we move to South Carolina.) It was nice to have a room to ourselves. We brought our air mattress with us just in case it didn't work having all the boys in the same room and D needed to sleep on our floor. I loved that the timeshare was basically a 3-bedroom apartment. The boys slept down a hallway, away from the living space, making naptime possible even away from home. I also loved the full kitchen. We made BLT's one night and bread pudding another night; we also ate breakfast and lunch in the timeshare. We could walk indoors from our room to the timeshare, so, even though there was snow outside, the boys were in swim trunks and flip flops for most of the trip! D loved the waterpark immediately. The toddlers took awhile to warm up to the loud music and shrieks from people riding the slides or in the wave pool when it started up; I think they were a little over stimulated. I also think they are a little unsure about how they felt in the water. D was a toddler living in Hawaii; we were beach bums togethers. The toddlers, however, only went to the pool twice last summer! Their "water experience" is exclusively from the bathtub.

Here they are in the kids' area with their daddy:


Here are a few more pictures taken on my camera from the vacation:

It was a great trip. My parents even drove home with us to stay for a couple days after the waterpark. I really needed the family time and the away time. Thank you to my parents for letting us use your timeshare. Thank you for spending the week with us. We had a great time!! :)


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