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Answered prayer

I wanted to share a blog post about our recently answered prayer. At 22+ weeks pregnant, I went in for my 20 week ultrasound. (This was the earliest my OB could get me in for the ultrasound.) The appointment was on a Friday. The following Wednesday, we received a phone call that they found abnormalities on the ultrasound and gave me a whole bunch of complications it could be. They told me the pregnancy was high risk and I needed to get in with a MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) right away. I met with my OB 2 days later, that Friday (23+ weeks), and they again went over the possible complications and had me go to the lab for blood tests. The earliest the MFM could see me was a week and a half later, when I would be 25 weeks.

Our OB told us at the appointment that the pregnancy was going to be high risk. That more than likely I would be spending a lot of time at the OB and the MFM to be closely monitored for the rest of the pregnancy. We were so scared for the outcome of the pregnancy and for the future of our baby girl. What would this all mean? The wait was so hard since we had no idea the direction the pregnancy would go.

As soon as we got the news, I started texting and calling my girlfriends who I knew would spend some serious time in prayer for us. We informed our church's prayer team. My husband told his work, who in turn reported back to him that they had informed their churches' prayer teams. We felt that we had this team of people praying for us as we headed to our appointment.

The morning of the MFM appointment I felt like I was going to be sick standing outside of the building. I was very nervous and so glad my husband was there with me. My phone kept going off with encouraging text messages from friends and family. While the gal did our ultrasound, she talked us through everything she was finding and it was all good news. The abnormal measurements found at the previous ultrasound were within normal at this ultrasound. The baby was moving a lot. The gal was able to quickly and easily get all of the measurements she needed. My husband and I were anxiously hopeful. What does this mean now?

When we met with the doctor, he told us that the ultrasound looked great. He said that they did not find the same readings as on our 20 week ultrasound, that the ultrasound done there at their office overrules the 20 week ultrasound because of how in depth and experienced they are. He spent a lot of time asking us family history questions, answering our questions, and explaining the results and our future plan of action. He even suggested we cancel the appointment with the genetic counselor, who we were supposed to meet with next. It was a miracle.

The next day at our OB she reaffirmed all the findings and agreed with the plan of action. We are going to meet with the MFM again in 6 weeks. If they find similar results on that ultrasound to what they found at our last appointment, they will release us from their care. I will have to start weekly NST's (Fetal Non-Stress Tests) at some point in the 3rd trimester, but she said that will fall more into the category of cautious monitoring. My husband and I were elated and credit all of this to God and the people praying for us.

Adding more great news to the week, I was chatting with my OB at that appointment about the complications I had after having Baby #4 and how I've experienced increased discomfort. She mentioned how her practice resolves those issues, which was exactly the same as what I had discussed with my OB in South Carolina. For a short time here, at our new duty station in Washington, I had been seeing a different OB/Gyn who was not on board with that plan and only offered me a solution that would resolve some of the complications I was having. It was very frustrating and again something that I had prayed about. My husband and I both felt that I needed to switch OB/Gyns for a number of issues (a tough decision for us to make as it involved switching insurance plans) and we were blown away again by God's hand in this decision. It was amazing to see how God brought us to someone who was exactly on board with what we had talked about at a past duty station with a different doctor, a plan that would resolve the complete issue and improve my quality of life once we have Baby #5. Again, another miracle.

I do not always expect "Yes" answers from God. The children and I were watching "Joseph: King of Dreams" yesterday and I was reminded of how often we do not understand God's plan. I fall back on Job's prayer a lot, "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know" (Job 42:3b). We do not always understand the path God walks us down or know where he is leading. I love the entire book of Philippians, but Philippians 1:18b-19 stands out, "Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and God's provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance." Philippians 1:27a continues, "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." Even our current family Bible verse speaks of the hardships we will have in this life. John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." God does not promise us that he will remove hardships. No, he promises us Jesus-- the way, the truth, and the life. We do not understand his plan, yet we rejoice because whatever happens to us will turn out for our deliverance and bring glory to God. But I wanted to share these answered prayers with you because we had a team of people petitioning God on our behalf and he answered those prayers. We felt his presence through this whole process and are blown away at how he moved. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us.

Philippians 4:4-7
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

To read about the first trimester of this pregnancy, check out my previous post here.


Spring said…
So happy that your prayers were answered! My sister had a similar scare with my niece. They gave her a terminal diagnosis & when she got to the specialist, whom she called daily to check for canceled appointments so she could get in sooner, they had a perfectly normal ultrasound. My niece is now a funny & very active 2.5 year old.
I will pray for continued good news for you & your sweet baby girl.

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