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Baby Jogger City Select

Since we've brought our 4th child home, I've been wanting to write a blog post about our stroller. Recently I wrote a blog post called "Stroller shopping checklist" that helps you find the right stroller for your family. In it, I also give the reasons as to how we ended up investing in the Baby Jogger City Select with the second seat. I've already written several blog posts on our stroller, the first being "I love my stroller." This stroller has also made it on my must-have lists, the most in detail being "Can't buy me love" and "0-2 years old twin: must haves."

In the post "Stroller shopping checklist," I explain why I am so passionate about having a good stroller that fits our family's lifestyle:
I was so nervous about how I would manage a toddler and twins and having a stroller that suited our lifestyle helped make that much easier for me to handle on my own. I know that sounds really corny, but as a Navy family, it is difficult to live so far away from friends and family. When our twins were born, I did not have a large support network and was trying to figure out how I would manage everything on my own. I truly feel that for us, picking the right stroller made those first couple years with twins-- a busy time by all accounts-- easier.
Birth to the toddler years

When we found out I was pregnant with twins, our oldest had just turned 2 years old. I immediately started researching strollers knowing that I would be managing all 3 children by myself most of the time. One of the first things that I really liked about our stroller is that it works from birth to the toddler years. While there is an option for bassinets-- I have seen parents use the Baby Jogger City Select with two bassinets for their twins-- I decided to use the car seat adapters.

Car seat adapters

2 sets of 1 year old twins
2 years old
3 years old
Holds three children...
When our twins were born, our oldest was just over 2 and a half years old. I quickly taught him to sit on the glider board, making it a comfortable place for him to ride for longer distances. Now that we have four children, I've taught one of our toddlers to sit there so I can take all four of our boys out without have to wrangle them.



...or can hold one, two, or three children!
One of my favorite features about this stroller is that it can accommodate one to three children. I love that I have the option to make it a single stroller... or a double stroller... or add the glider board to hold three children! Part of what makes this stroller so versatile is that it really is easy to take off or put on accessories like the second seat or the car seat adapter. The glider board is also easy to attach to the stroller, but it also folds up nicely on the stroller if you want to leave it on and flip up or down when you decide to use it (or not). This stroller is full of options!
Grocery shopping with one of our twins
Dropped the shopping basket under my stroller for easy shopping!
Out on a walk with baby #4
Car seat adapter with baby #4
Versatile seats
I love all the different seat positions. It seems silly to have so many options, but there are times where the boys feel social and like facing each other to chat while I ran errands and times where it was better to have them facing different directions (so the one in back can't kick his brother's seat, for instance) and times when it was nice having them both face forward, such as to see an exhibit. I posted these photos on my blog post, "0-2 years old twin: must haves." I took these when our twins were 2 years old; these are the most common seat positions I used when our twins were toddlers, sometimes adding the glider board for our oldest. {Check out the cool video on Baby Jogger's website!}

When our twins were infants, I moved the seats around a lot more, mostly to make it easier to feed them or let them nap in the stroller. They also seemed to enjoy more interaction with each other while in the stroller as infants. Toddlers seem to enjoy much more conflict... :P
The glider board is attached to the stroller and folded up in this picture
The toddler in the lower seat is napping while the toddler in the upper seat is feeding
"The stroller that grows with your family"
We bought this stroller when we found out we were having twins. When our twins were born, our oldest was 2.5 years old. We have used this stroller with our twins from the time they were newborns to 3-years old. Now we have another baby and we are using it with our twins (3-years old) and a newborn! Our oldest (now 6 years old) walks next to us and holds on to the side of the stroller when I need him close (crossing the street, busy area, etc). Here are some pictures of us using the Baby Jogger City Select with baby #4:
Carrying our 3-year old twins and our newborn
In the basket: diaper bag, swim bag, cooler, leftovers wrapped up to-go from lunch, and shopping purchases
3-year old relaxing on our glider board
Pushing the stroller with just the car seat adapter for baby #4
Pushing the stroller with just a seat for baby #4
Since he is a newborn, I like to recline the seat for him. The seat is deep enough that it is almost like a bassinet.
Out on a walk with the toddlers holding on to the side of the stroller
We love our stroller!
Here are some pictures I took during our twins' first year (our oldest 2.5 years old to 3.5 years old during that time). This stroller has fit into our life seamlessly and made our outings so much easier! We really do love this stroller.
Feeding our twins baby food pouches while using the glider board to do our Target shopping!
Checking out the fish at PetsMart
Adjusting the hood for his brother
One of the perks of twins: you are often pulling a shopping cart while pushing a stroller
Put our City Select to use while doing some pre-move shopping (perk of Navy life: frequently moving)
Out shopping!

Being silly while we wait at the pediatrician's office
2 infants needing to eat at the same time means leaving the house with a Boppy pillow!
Loved how it fit under the stroller with everything else I brought with me

Road tripping pit stop
At the park-- it handles well on all sorts of terrain!

At the pumpkin patch
Kimber's Navy Family blog posts on the Baby Jogger City Select stroller with second seat:


Spring said…
I wish I had known about that stroller when we were in the market. We may have opted for it instead of a triplet stroller although I don't know how that would have worked for us once we got past the baby wearing stage? The triplet stroller was way to heavy & hard to use by the time my boys were a year, I just wish there was something that would have worked for us through the toddler years. Life would have been so much easier!
Katelyn said…
Wow this really is pretty cool! If my twins were a little younger when our third was born this would've been super helpful. Instead we decided to retire the double and just get a single stroller and make the twins walk everywhere. But, this is pretty awesome!
Kimber said…
Spring, those triplet strollers are a force to be reckoned with!! Some of them are BEASTS!! :P

Katelyn, this stroller is pretty neat. I've loved it. Lately I've been using our Tula A LOT. I like the stroller when I will need more than one child riding or when I need to lug a lot of stuff with us (like bring the whole diaper bag and a cooler, etc).
Carolyn Lewis said…
Wow I'm pregnant with baby #4 and I was really considering buying the bugaboo donkey but was kind of scared cuz that's for two children, and I was going to Research maybe a glider board for that stroller but then I realized to width of it and was thinking I woud get irritated! I think I'm going to get this stroller cuz of you! Thanks !
Kimber said…
We have been really happy with our stroller!!! :) Good luck stroller shopping!
Alison said…
Wow the City Select is popular! Thanks for this great article and happy strolling xx! :D
Watson said…
Awesome post! i am looking at the Baby Jogger double strollers, for light walking on and off road, vacations etc. with our 17 month old twins. We like the City Elite's features but it seems heavy at 38lbs. Anyone have any experience with it vs the City Classic?Thanks!!!
Rose said…
stroller is a mom best friend and you have a lot of varietieto be chosen from, so select your baby stroller wisely and enjoy the walk with little one.
jony said…
good post!
Babyinform said…
Great post!I have also been trying to find a stroller made in the USa for my new baby. I have had no luck. Britax customer service told me their stroller was made in the US, but when the box arrived, it said made in China. So I promptly returned it. The Stokke and Mountain Buggy strollers cost $500 yo $1,000; I find those prices crazy.Thanks1
Unknown said…
My friend mentioned to me your blog, so I thought I’d read it for myself. Very interesting insights, will be back for more!
check this out
Unknown said…
Thank you! This is the best, most helpful review I've watched or read on this stroller. The pictures are so helpful!
Unknown said…
Oh Awesome stroller!!!Now At this age, it's all about distraction. Sawyer hates his car seat and hates his stroller, but he is so distracted by his stroller bugs most of the time that he doesn't realize how miserable he is. So tough being that kid, I tell you :)Check out the best baby carriers for hiking reviews. Thanks!
Amy said…
Hi Kimber, I'm finding your blog so helpful, thank you! I'm expecting twins, and toddler will be 2.5 when they arrive, and I think you have convinced me with your love for this stroller lol. One question - Are you able to fold it with the two car seat adapters on it? Or do you have to remove them to fold it - can see this being a bit of a hassle but not a deal breaker. Thanks in advance for all your help!
How can I pick out the best product from those listed on this site?
William John said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
William John said…
Celebrities like Kim Kardashian are known fans of Maxi-Cosi (she was spotted on social media using a Maxi-Cosi Pria 85 car seat). But, the company is also known for its functional strollers. The Lara Ultra Compact stroller sky (image above) is lightweight, easy to carry and a little more than $200.

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