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First giveaway!

TwinBug Photography at

Woo hoo! Kimber's Navy Family's Facebook page has reached OVER 50 LIKES!!! As a way to say thank you for all the support, I am hosting our first giveaway!

To be eligible to win the giveaway, you must "like" Kimber's Facebook page. If you have yet to like the Facebook page, go to the following link: Kimber's Navy Family on Facebook.

How do you win? Just leave a comment on a blog post-- any blog post! I just added a new "Popular posts" page. Here is the link: Kimber's Navy Family Popular posts. You can follow the link or go to your own favorite post. I love to hear your feedback. Have you used a baby product I've reviewed? Did you have a different opinion of the product? Are you also struggling with the toddlers years? Do you have a suggestion for me? Would you like me to write more on a certain subject? Or just leave me a comment saying, "I'd love to win the giveaway!" (You do not need to specifically mention to the giveaway to win.)

What will you win? I've referenced many books in my blog posts and would love to share one with you! Have your pick from one of the following books that I've recommended:
  1. Twelve Hours in Twelve Weeks Old: A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep Success by Suzy Giordano
  2. What to Expect the Second Year: From 12 to 24 Months by Heidi Murkoff
  3. Double Time: How I Survived-- and Mostly Thrived-- the First Three Years with Twins by Jane Roper
  4. Ready or Not... There We Go!: The REAL Experts' Guide to the Toddler Years with Twins by Elizabeth Lyons
  5. The One-Year Book of Praying Through the Bible by Cheri Fuller
  6. When Mother's Pray: Bringing God's Power and Blessing to Your Children's Lives by Cheri Fuller
  7. The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell
  8. Homefront Club: The Hardheaded Woman's Guide to Raising a Military Family by Jacey Eckhart
If you aren't interested in a book (or you already own all of these!), you choose instead to get a Touchy Tag.

Commenting to win the giveaway is open from now until Thursday, September 13th. I will announce the giveaway winner on September 14th. I will pick the winner based on my favorite comment... or comments! Feel free to comment on as many blog posts that suit your fancy. :)

Happy commenting!


Jessica said…
I was going to look under popular posts to pick one to comment on & to enter into the giveaway... but, nothing showed up when I clicked there, not sure if it's the internet, my computer, your blog. Will try to check them out later!
Amanda Bear said…
I love reading all of your blogs. I am not a mother of multiples but I do have an almost 4 years old little man of the house, so I can relate a lot to posts about Dylan and the challenges of parenting a child that has such a growing capacity of creating his own views of the world around us. I applaud you for blogging and sharing. I hope to someday maybe start blogging myself. ;) We miss you guys a lot. Take care and God bless you and your beautiful family.
Kimber said…
Amanda-- I would LOVE reading your blog!!! We miss you guys too. Who knew that in a lot of ways it gets harder??? :)

Jessica-- no, there is something wrong with the tabs! I sent a message to my blog designer, Whitney Elaine designs, so hopefully we can get that fixed soon! I changed some things around the other night and messed things up a bit!! The direct links do work though; why, I don't know.
Amanda Drake said…
Can I have one of the boys as my prize? He would be loved. I guess it would be hard to choose the one I wanted though. Maybe O, we seem to have a lot in common. I don't know though, I LOVE THEM ALL! I can't wait to see all of you guys again!
Lindsey said…
Yay! I love giveaways. I don't know why I bother though I never win. Anyway, I digress. You amaze me with you always positive attitude and patience with your 3 precious boys. My 2 drive me crazy and they're 3 1/2 years apart. I'll tell you this: I don't envy you having to potty train 2 at the same time. If I could pay someone to potty train Griffin, I'd do it in a heartbeat. He is so cute and so sweet but seriously stubborn.
Kimber said…
LINDSEY! You are the giveaway winner!!! Please email me at with your giveaway prize choice, selected from this list. I will get that in the mail to you shortly!!! :) Thank you for commenting on my blog, you, giveaway winner, you!

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