"Three Boys" by Pamela Ellis I've been reading through some of my old blogs and it made me want to do a follow-up on our family schedules and dinner plans . Things were a little intense there for a little while. I'm not sure at the time I realized how busy we actually were. Now, with one-year olds , I can see how much our schedule has relaxed, and-- I must say-- I like it. Around October of last year, I became fed-up with our drive-thru diet and quick, high calorie food solutions. We went through our freezer and made a commitment to eat better . Well, I made a commitment for us to eat better. My husband was still a little shell-shocked that I had thrown out an entire wholesale box of Chips Ahoy... After six months, we are eating even better than I originally intended. At first I was just going to remove hydrogenated oils from our family diet. Taking away that preservative naturally lead to healthier choices and I made it a habit to actually cook dinner, even ...
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